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Recent Reviews

Neha Singh

Wrote a review 09/01/2025 05:12

S M Grand Hotel

A Dreamy Resort Vacation This resort exceeded all my expectations. The beachfront villa was stunning, and the sunsets were magical. The staff was warm and friendly, and the activities added so much fun to our trip. Can’t wait to return!


Wrote a review 09/01/2025 05:11

Hotel Tiranga Lodging

Amazing Resort for a Relaxing Break This resort is a paradise. The lush greenery, infinity pool, and luxurious spa treatments made my stay so relaxing. The rooms were tastefully designed, and the food was delicious. The perfect place to unwind and recharge!


Wrote a review 09/01/2025 05:10

Vanshika Hotels

Top-Class Hospitality From check-in to check-out, everything was seamless. The staff was professional and went the extra mile to accommodate special requests. The breakfast buffet had a wide variety of options, and the rooftop lounge offered stunning city views.

priya Gupta

Wrote a review 09/01/2025 05:04


Great for Families and Couples We stayed here for our anniversary, and everything was perfect. The resort had plenty of activities for families, but also serene spots for couples. The candlelight dinner by the pool was a memorable experience. Highly recommended!


Wrote a review 09/01/2025 05:03

One Hotels Jim Corbett

An Unforgettable Vacation This resort is a hidden gem! The private beach, stunning views, and luxurious rooms made my stay unforgettable. The staff was always friendly and helpful. I can’t wait to come back for another vacation!

Ananya Verma

Wrote a review 09/01/2025 05:02

Dynasty Resort

Excellent Service and Beautiful Location I stayed at this hotel for a family vacation, and it was amazing. The staff was courteous and attentive, and the property was well-maintained. The location was perfect for sightseeing, and the overall atmosphere was peaceful.

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